Search results for "Cardiology"

Results 51 - 60 of about 633 for "Cardiology".
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In the news

Curnent news about error data, heart disease deaths, and cardiology criteria.
15 Feb 2009

Growing specialty offers opportunity for hospitalists

The American Board of Medical Specialties last fall began offering board certification in palliative care, and CMS has recognized the subspecialty, removing hurdles to reimbursement. The attention, along with other factors like the fulfillment of the work and a hot job market, is prompting more physicians to consider focusing on palliative medicine, whether they're in the middle of their careers or at the outset.
15 Feb 2009

Heartening news about cardiac surgery in the elderly

Not long ago, a patient’s advanced age was a serious, potentially prohibitive risk factor when considering surgery. But innovations in surgical techniques, better patient care, and improving attitudes towards aging have led to octogenarians routinely surviving surgery and often significantly benefiting from it, allowing them to enjoy an improved quality of life for a decade or more afterward.
15 Feb 2009

New research on heart failure, elderly surgery at AHA Scientific Sessions

New research on heart failure, elderly surgery at AHA Scientific Sessions.
15 Feb 2009

Hospitalist-led initiative reduces ambulance diversion, improves ED throughput

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore recently introduced a hospitalist-led bed management program in a successful attempt to improve emergency department wait times and decrease ambulance diversion hours. Find out how they did it.
15 Mar 2009

Preventing heart disease by targeting patients' loved ones

Lori Mosca, ACP Member, explains how hospitalists can help reduce risk that runs in the family.
15 Mar 2009

Internal Medicine 2009 sessions combine new offerings with old favorites

Internal Medicine 2009 will offer a blend of the new and the established in its courses and activities.
15 Mar 2009

In the News

Drug recalls, warnings, approvals.
15 Apr 2009

In the News

News on trends in hospitalist care, and more.
15 Jun 2009

Journal watch: Recent studies of note

Recent studies about statins use before stroke, heparin dose after STEMI, and other topics.
15 Jun 2009

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