May 2008

Hospitals tighten rules on gifts, meals, education from pharma
Some institutions, mainly academic medical centers, are taking a newer, hard-line approach to physicians’ relationships with pharma. Our cover story looks at some of these new policies as well as the potential impact of this growing movement.
Letter from the Editor
Drug companies and physicians often have had an uneasy relationship.
Hospitalists implement disease management strategies
Some hospitals are seeing fewer readmissions for CHF, stroke and other conditions.
Managing pain in orthopedic patients takes awareness, finesse
Tips on using analgesics, opioids and the latest delivery methods.
No signouts? No problem
A hospitalist program uses an innovative scheduling system to reduce handoffs.
Raising the bar on health care ratings sites
Raising the bar on health care ratings sites.
Deciding about CPR when a DNR order is confusing
Deciding about CPR when a DNR order is confusing.
Plenary sessions, new research are highlights at 37th Critical Care Congress
Plenary sessions, new research are highlights at 37th Critical Care Congress.
A mix of the suspected and the surprising at annual stroke meeting
Studies focus on treatment, symptoms and awareness.
Clinicians and the care of sexual minorities
An excerpt from “The Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health,”� new from ACP Press.
Test yourself: Diagnosing and managing pain
Test yourself: Diagnosing and managing pain.
Journal Watch: Recent studies of note
Recent studies about ventilator allocation in disasters, MRSA screening, and other topics.