December 2013
Translating ‘two midnights'
CMS##rsquo; attempt to redefine the difference between inpatient and observation status may create new problems.
Red flags for bariatric surgery complications
Hospitalists can help quickly identify various issues that arise postoperatively.
POLSTs: Having the right conversation at the right time
Balance is often needed to sensitively convey one's opinions while respecting patient wishes.
The next patient safety target: misdiagnosis
Learn steps hospitalists can take to reduce error in their own practices and within their hospitals.
Take a balanced approach to sodium imbalances
Tips for treating patients on both ends of the sodium spectrum, from hyponatremia to hypernatremia.
A new place between the hospital and the office
Effort by Holston Medical Group in Virginia and Tennessee aims to provide inpatient-level care without the negative effects of hospitalization.
The question patients won't ask but want answered
Research indicates sexual problems and concerns are common after hospital discharge.
Physical exam of 1995 or 1997?
For any patient encounter, either may be used but not a combination of the two.
The new observation status: The good, the bad and the ugly
Here's the lowdown on the good, the bad and the ugly of the new CMS regulations.
This is Grady Hospital
An encounter with a medical student reminds a physician what she loves about working at her hospital.
Letter from the Editor
This month's issue includes an in-depth look at CMS##rsquo; new observation status regulations, as well as stories on bariatric surgery complications and how to talk to patients about POLSTs.
MKSAP quiz on end-of-life care
These cases and commentary, which focus on end-of-life care, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP16).
Recent Research
Oral fluoroquinolones and dysglycemia, metoprolol before PCI, and more.