July 2017

Illustration by Sarah Ferone

Defeating C. diff

While Clostridium difficile remains a stubborn infection, new drugs and research findings suggest some ways to more effectively combat it.

Get the most out of your radiologist

Advice for hospitalists from a radiologist on how to choose the right scan for every patient.

Say no to antipsychotics and bed alarms for older patients

Some well-intentioned but misguided interventions may harm geriatric inpatients more than they help.

The high-value care conversation

With a few tips and tricks, hospitalists can successfully talk to inpatients about high-value care.

A new app to PICC up

A project to improve use of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) in Michigan becomes app available anywhere.

Clearing up confusion about cirrhosis

Tips to diagnose and deal with liver disease.

Discover and defeat your diagnostic errors

Experts explain the causes and solutions for common mistakes in diagnosis.

Do you know your core competencies?

Satyen Nichani, MD, ACP Member, explains the Society of Hospital Medicine's recently updated Core Competencies in Hospital Medicine.

New drug treats cancer based on biomarker instead of location

Details on the latest warnings, recalls, and approvals.

Postprocedural respiratory failure

How to properly make and document the diagnosis of respiratory failure following surgery.

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Whether it's ancient Persian credentialing, colonial American utilization review, or medieval admission criteria, the things that drive us mad today did the same to our distant medical forbearers.

Cases from the Medical College of Wisconsin

Ocular syphilis, cefepime neurotoxicity, primary empty sella, and more.

C. diff and Hospital Medicine 2017

Conference coverage of cirrhosis, geriatrics, high-value care, diagnostic error, and radiology.

Antimicrobial stewardship, readmissions

Summaries from ACP Hospitalist Weekly.

Transfusion thresholds, bedside rounding

Summaries from ACP Hospitalist Weekly.