May 18, 2022

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Clinical Medicine | FREE
Most ACP Hospitalist content is available exclusively to ACP Members. This article is free to the public.

Manage meds to treat GI bleeding before, after endoscopy

Care of inpatients with GI bleeding is complicated and multidisciplinary, but hospitalists can contribute by starting and stopping the right drugs, according to a speaker at Internal Medicine Meeting 2022.


Correct coding and sequencing of codes for patients admitted with hypocoagulopathy can be tricky.

Rounding with laptops may make residents more efficient, small study finds

Residents on one internal medicine team who were given a novel workflow and a mobile laptop for three months were significantly more likely to place progress notes during rounding hours and sign discharge summaries within 24 hours of discharge than comparison control teams.

Hospital medicine a top career choice among new general internal medicine physicians

The percentage of internists seeing patients both in and out of the hospital declined by more than half between 1990 and 2017, according to an analysis of American Board of Internal Medicine certifications and Medicare claims.

Adverse Events | FREE
Most ACP Hospitalist content is available exclusively to ACP Members. This article is free to the public.

One-quarter of hospitalized Medicare patients experienced harm, government report finds

A new report from the HHS Office of Inspector General found that 25% of Medicare patients experienced adverse events or temporary harm events during their hospital stays in October 2018, and 43% of these were deemed preventable.

Hospitalist-led program improved care for patients with opioid use disorder

Use of evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder during admission increased significantly from 36% before the project to 57% after its implementation, a single-center study found.