July 6, 2022
Adding contraception to the conversation
A hospitalist explains a recent call for her peers to consider their patients' family planning needs.
Advisors discuss vaccines for fall, COVID-19/RSV/flu test approved
In addition to COVID-19-related actions, the FDA announced several device recalls and approved a drug for eosinophilic esophagitis.
Scholarly productivity of hospital medicine full professors varies, tied to grants
While the median number of publications by a hospital medicine full professor was 15.0, the top quintile of professors had a median of 175.5 publications, whereas those in the fifth quintile had a median of 0.
Availability of postdischarge care associated with readmission rates
Hospitals in areas with more primary care physicians and licensed nursing home beds per capita had lower readmission rates for acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and pneumonia, a new study found.
Common outpatient meds, interferon beta show positive results for COVID-19
A retrospective study found lower mortality rates in COVID-19 patients who were taking drugs including statins, metformin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, while a trial found faster recovery in patients who received interferon beta in addition to remdesivir.
ED, outpatient visits for worsening heart failure on the rise since 2010
A cohort study that analyzed encounters in one health system for worsening heart failure found that ED and observation stays and outpatient visits account for approximately half of the visits, with hospitalizations comprising the other half.