August 2, 2023

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Considering ketamine

Evidence is limited, but low-dose ketamine may be an appropriate adjunct or alternative to opioids for certain patients in pain.

Catheters recalled; warning on troponin tests

The FDA announced a recall of certain peripheral catheters due to leaking and warned not to use a cardiac testing panel providing inaccurate troponin measurements, among other recent actions.

Written discharge instructions more effective when provided in multiple languages

Researchers at one U.S. academic medical center found that patients had fewer questions about their medications after discharge when written instructions were provided in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Critical care experts propose expanding definition of ARDS

The 2012 Berlin definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) should be revised to accommodate the increasing use of high-flow nasal oxygen, among other changes, an expert panel recommended.

Severity criteria for categorizing COPD exacerbations validated as prognostic tool

Patients with an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that was severe according to the recently proposed Rome criteria had about twice the risk of death within a year as those whose exacerbation was mild, a retrospective study found.

Use of decision aid in ED for patients with AF linked to decrease in admissions

Hospitals that implemented a decision aid to risk stratify patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in the ED saw a 17% reduction in their odds of hospital admission, but also a small but significant increase in repeat presentations for AF within 30 days, a study found.