December 20, 2023

A better team, with the same outcomes
Why did only nurses see an improvement from a teamwork intervention at four hospitals? A hospitalist researcher offers his thoughts.
An older patient with multiple comorbidities presented with headaches, fevers, myalgias, arthralgias, and some loss of balance.
CDC publishes guidance on testing for flu, COVID-19, RSV
Patients being hospitalized with acute respiratory illness during flu season should be tested with the combined nucleic acid assay for influenza A/B/SARS-CoV-2, if possible, with repeat testing if the SARS-CoV-2 result is negative.
Hospitals that steward antibiotics well share common factors
Hospitals where pharmacists reported feeling that they are respected by their hospitalist colleagues and considered valuable team members were less likely to overuse antibiotics, a small survey study of antibiotic stewardship programs found.
Infective endocarditis death rates on the rise in young adults
Death certificate data showed age-adjusted death rates remained stable over the past two decades for the general population but rose in residents of Kentucky, West Virginia, and Tennessee.
Resilience, work-life balance contribute to resident flourishing, survey finds
Peer support and camaraderie between residents and a clear shared mission of the residency program were associated with greater flourishing, according to a survey of internal medicine residents in three states.