January 31, 2024

Could less be more in care transitions?
Interventions to improve the quality of care transitions may work better when they are less complex, say researchers who offer some ideas for future efforts.
Advanced dementia and respiratory failure
A case highlights the importance of addressing prognosis before making care decisions.
Updated recommendations on corticosteroids in sepsis, ARDS, CAP
New guidance from the Society of Critical Care Medicine includes conditional recommendations to administer corticosteroids to patients with septic shock or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and a strong recommendation for severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).
Almost two-thirds of low-risk pulmonary embolism patients hospitalized after ED visit
This trend remained stable in the U.S. between 2012 and 2020, despite research indicating the safety of outpatient management in this population.
CAD testing associated with improved outcomes in new-onset heart failure
A retrospective cohort study found that risk for heart failure readmission or all-cause mortality was lower in patients hospitalized with new-onset heart failure who underwent coronary artery disease (CAD) testing within 90 days.
Individualized short-course antibiotics noninferior to usual care for VAP
In a randomized open-label trial, 41% of ICU patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) who received antibiotics for seven days or less died or had pneumonia recurrence at 60 days versus 44% of those who received usual care.