September 18, 2024

Stuck in the hospital
Delayed discharges of medically stable patients are a problem that's not going away.
Quincke's legacy
It's all you ever wanted to know about hereditary angioedema but were afraid to ask.
High-intensity NPPV beat low-intensity in COPD exacerbation, Chinese trial finds
Around 14% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients receiving low-intensity noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) met criteria for endotracheal intubation compared with 4.8% of those randomized to high-intensity NPPV, but actual intubation rates did not differ.
Early lactated Ringer solution superior to normal saline in sickle cell crises
Lactated Ringer solution was associated with more hospital-free days and fewer readmissions than normal saline in patients who received two or more liters of fluid on the first day and in those with the hemoglobin SS genotype, a retrospective study found.
HF inpatient prescribing even worse than indicated by quality improvement research
An analysis of patients treated at community-based hospitals for heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction found that, in 2022, only 17.1% were on three of the guideline-directed medical therapies for HF at discharge, while just 6.0% were on quadruple therapy.
Scientific statement addresses kidney dysfunction in advanced HF
The American Heart Association offered advice on evaluating and managing kidney dysfunction in patients with advanced heart failure (HF), including which biomarkers to use in hospitalized patients.
Take a quiz about the Sept. 11 issue!
Every week, ACP Hospitalist posts a question about the previous week's issue. See how well you remember what you've read compared to other readers.