October 2, 2024

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Addressing partner, community violence

Hospitalists can help patients who've experienced violence by screening for the problem and offering resources to assist.

FDA approves self-administration of nasal flu vaccine

The FDA announced that the nasal spray vaccine may now be administered by patients and caregivers, among other recent actions. A prescription is still required.

Periop cardiovascular guideline updated, calls for avoiding overscreening

The American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and other societies released new recommendations on evaluating and managing cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery.

New guideline calls for restrictive transfusion protocols in critically ill patients

The American College of Chest Physicians' guideline on red blood cell transfusion recommends using a hemoglobin level threshold of 7 to 8 g/dL for most critically ill patients based on evidence of reduced adverse events.

Restrictive transfusion thresholds associated with worse outcomes in MI plus anemia

In hospitalized patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and anemia, risk for death or repeat MI at 30 days was higher with hemoglobin thresholds for red blood cell transfusion below 8 g/dL than higher thresholds, but the results were imprecise, a recent analysis found.

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Lower mortality in COVID-19 with remdesivir plus dexamethasone than dexamethasone alone

An industry-funded retrospective study found that COVID-19 patients who got both remdesivir and dexamethasone had lower inpatient mortality than matched patients who got dexamethasone alone, across all levels of respiratory support.

Take a quiz about the Sept. 25 issue!

Every week, ACP Hospitalist posts a question about the previous week's issue. See how well you remember what you've read compared to other readers.