Search results for "Resuscitation"

Results 181 - 190 of about 275 for "Resuscitation".
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Caring for sepsis survivors

Risks of sepsis, including mortality, functional and cognitive impairment, and mental health problems, continue long after discharge.
15 Apr 2018

Duty hours, infective endocarditis

Summaries from ACP Hospitalist Weekly.
15 Aug 2019

MI performance measures, health literacy and LOS, and more

Summaries from ACP Hospitalist Weekly.
15 Feb 2018

MKSAP quiz on gastroenterology

This month's quiz includes questions from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP 18) on gastroenterology.
15 Dec 2018

Balanced crystalloids vs. saline, antibiotic stewardship, and more

Summaries from ACP Hospitalist Weekly.
15 Aug 2018

Moving the needle on heart failure

Financial penalties have failed to dent readmissions, so new strategies are needed.
15 May 2018

Research on CPAP, HFNO, IVIG, and lung transplants for COVID-19

One study found that continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) outperformed conventional oxygen, but high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) did not. Another found no benefit from hyperimmune IV immunoglobulin (IVIG) in hospitalized patients. Two analyses showed good outcomes from lung transplants in COVID-19 patients.
2 Feb 2022

Cases from Legacy Health

Seizure-associated code-switching, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and more.
15 Jan 2021

Letter from the Editor

This issue features stories on resuscitation, rapid response teams, and leading a hospitalist program, among others.
15 Dec 2012

MKSAP quiz on health care-associated infections

This month's quiz includes questions from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP 18) on health care-associated infections.
15 May 2021

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