Search results for "Resuscitation"

Results 251 - 260 of about 268 for "Resuscitation".
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MKSAP quiz on alcohol abuse

These cases and commentary, which address alcohol abuse, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP15).
15 Jun 2012

MKSAP quiz on gastroenterology

These cases and commentary, which address gastroenterology, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP15).
15 Feb 2012

Cases from New York University

Acute intermittent porphyria, thrombotic microangiopathy complicating chemotherapy, and more.
15 Jul 2016

Recent Research

Antiplatelets with dabigatran or warfarin, selective D-dimer for DVT, and more.
15 Apr 2013

Day of the undead: The zombie intern

I didn't think my fellow first-years were really worried about my consuming them, but you never know about the strange prejudices of the living.
15 Nov 2010

They read the literature so you don't have to

COPD, stroke and drug choice were among the hot topics in hospital medicine research last year.
15 Jul 2011

Locum terror

Here I was pulling into the staff parking lot of a funky old private sanitarium in the middle of stinking nowhere. I rang the bell and the creaky door swung open. A very pale and dusty nurse pointed to the staff lounge, but said nothing, though I seemed to detect the ghost of a smile.
15 Oct 2009

Diagnosing adrenal insufficiency

Experts debate glucose control in the ICUTesting, steroid use common questions in the ICU.
15 Sep 2007

Advice on the most difficult conversation

Hospitalists often find reasons to avoid asking patients about goals of care.
15 Oct 2013

Test yourself: Antibiotic therapy

A 40-year-old male prisoner is hospitalized because of a three-day history of fever, hypotension and a swollen right arm... and other cases.
15 Jul 2007

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