Search results for "Resuscitation"

Results 261 - 268 of about 268 for "Resuscitation".
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6 ACP Hospitalist • September 2018 coding corner Acute ...

Like prerenal AKI, ATN can often be promptly corrected if treated aggressively and early with IV fluid resuscitation and correction of any precipitating factors. ... The “gold standard” for recognizing ATN is the timing of the creatinine response to effective IV fluid resuscitation.
30 Aug 2018

6 ACP Hospitalist • September 2018 coding corner Acute ...

Like prerenal AKI, ATN can often be promptly corrected if treated aggressively and early with IV fluid resuscitation and correction of any precipitating factors. ... The “gold standard” for recognizing ATN is the timing of the creatinine response to effective IV fluid resuscitation.
30 Aug 2018

In the News

Varied times to debrillation after in-hospital cardiac arrest, and more.
15 Oct 2009

Cases from San Francisco General Hospital

Other cases include sulfadiazine-induced crystal nephropathy and a low anion gap.
15 Jan 2014

Test yourself: Hypertension

These cases and commentary, which address hypertension, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP15).
15 Oct 2010

MKSAP primer: Heart failure

Initial diagnostic testing of the patient with heart failure includes obtaining an electrocardiogram, a chest radiograph, and an echocardiogram, as well as blood chemistry evaluation.
15 Nov 2007


Initiate gastro-/colo-. prokinetic agents. Administer enemasPercutaneous. catheter drainage. Consider. hemodialysis /. ultrafiltration. Hemodynamic. monitoring to guide. resuscitation. Fluid removal through. judicious diuresis. ... Remove constrictive. dressings, abdominal. eschars. Goal-directed fluid. resuscitation. Reproduced with the permission of the World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (
5 May 2010


Intensive insulin therapy and pen-tastarch resuscitation in severe sepsis. N Engl J Med.2008;358:125-39.
23 Nov 2009

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