Search results for "Resuscitation"

Results 31 - 40 of about 275 for "Resuscitation".
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Epinephrine delays defibrillation, lowers survival in shockable in-hospital cardiac arrest

More than one in four patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia were treated with epinephrine before the first defibrillation, according to a Get With The Guidelines study.
17 Nov 2021

Acute kidney injury revisited

Terminology is especially important.
15 Jun 2015

Better handoffs

Hospitalists explore new tech and face-to-face strategies.
15 Dec 2016

‘Surviving Sepsis' campaign associated with improved care, lower mortality

ICUs not meeting guidelines for nutrition
27 Jan 2010

Early epinephrine in cardiac arrest with non-shockable rhythm associated with better survival

Earlier administration of epinephrine for inpatients with non-shockable cardiac arrest increases the chances that spontaneous circulation will return and the patients will survive to discharge, a new study found.
4 Jun 2014

DNR orders not associated with care quality in stroke survivors

Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders were not associated with quality of care after acute ischemic stroke, a new study found.
7 Nov 2012

Post-heart attack hyperoxia associated with increased mortality

Replacing peripheral IV catheters routinely may not be necessary
9 Jun 2010

New rules for predicting recovery after cardiac arrest

Therapeutic hypothermia has changed the field of neurology after cardiac arrest.
15 Jul 2019

Sepsis and fluid management

Early, aggressive fluid use can mitigate effects of tissue hypoperfusion.
15 Apr 2012

Plenary sessions, new research are highlights at 37th Critical Care Congress

Plenary sessions, new research are highlights at 37th Critical Care Congress.
15 May 2008

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