Search results for "Academic Medicine"

Results 1 - 20 of about 27 for "Academic Medicine".
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Internal medicine residents report high interest, limited competence in hospital medicine

More than half of surveyed residents expected to work in hospital medicine in the future, but only 30% felt confident of their competence to perform procedures or point-of-care ultrasound, and most expressed desire for more instruction in these and other areas.
16 Oct 2024

Putting subinterns on direct care hospitalist service increased teaching opportunities

One or two subinterns were paired with three hospitalists on three weeks of day service and five nights in an apprenticeship model at one academic medical center, with successful results described in a recent study.
25 Sep 2024

Faculty coaching for first-year residents appeared to help with burnout effects

A coaching program at one institution showed a significant benefit on goal-setting attitudes, professional fulfillment, and perceived program career support among burned-out residents, in addition to being associated with an overall lower rate of burnout among residents.
3 Jul 2024

Acting interns satisfied by experiences on teaching services without residents

An academic institution compared fourth-year medical students' impressions after working on teams with just an attending and one other student versus those of students on traditional teaching teams. Satisfaction ratings were similar.
26 Jun 2024

Government highlights need for consent before exams on patients under anesthesia

In response to reports of intimate exams being performed by trainees on patients under anesthesia, officials called on academic hospitals and medical schools to always obtain and document informed consent.
10 Apr 2024

Milestone ratings system reduced bias against some underrepresented residents

Switching from the Resident Annual Evaluation Summary to the Milestone ratings system reduced bias for some groups that are underrepresented in medicine. However, substantial bias continued for U.S.-born Black residents.
3 Jan 2024

Resilience, work-life balance contribute to resident flourishing, survey finds

Peer support and camaraderie between residents and a clear shared mission of the residency program were associated with greater flourishing, according to a survey of internal medicine residents in three states.
20 Dec 2023

Hospital medicine programs strategize responses to growth in clinical workload

Interviews with hospital medicine leaders from academic medical centers that experienced clinical growth in the past five years found that they are dealing with mismatches in supply and demand for teaching and clinical care roles.
15 Nov 2023

HM gaining ground as IM career choice, even among primary care track residents

Surveys of third-year internal medicine (IM) residents in 2019 to 2021 found that 9.4% were planning a career in general internal medicine, 15.1% in hospital medicine (HM), and 67.9% in a subspecialty, a significant increase in interest in HM compared to a decade earlier.
6 Sep 2023

Residency applicants stating geographic preferences got more interviews, matches

A new study looked at the effects of the American Association of Medical Colleges allowing applicants to signal program preferences and choose preferred geographic regions on internal medicine categorical and preliminary residents' match process in 2022.
9 Aug 2023

Current internal medicine residents favor returning to in-person recruitment

Most internal medicine residents thought that virtual recruitment led medical students to apply to more programs and take more interviews, a fall 2021 survey found.
3 May 2023

Scholarly productivity of hospital medicine full professors varies, tied to grants

While the median number of publications by a hospital medicine full professor was 15.0, the top quintile of professors had a median of 175.5 publications, whereas those in the fifth quintile had a median of 0.
6 Jul 2022

Mistreatment, discrimination more common for medical students in marginalized identity groups

Graduating students of U.S. medical schools who were female, non-White, or lesbian, gay, or bisexual also had higher levels of burnout, particularly if they belonged to more than one of these groups.
30 Mar 2022

Nearly half of internal medicine residents report experiencing mistreatment, survey finds

A survey of residents who completed the ACP Internal Medicine In-Training Examination in 2019 found that 48.3% reported experiencing mistreatment and 62.4% reported witnessing mistreatment, most often by patients and their families.
9 Mar 2022

Gender-based disparities in starting salaries common in academic medicine

A study using U.S. compensation data from 2019 to 2020 found that starting salaries were lower for women in 93% of subspecialties and that initial salary parity in these subspecialities could increase women's 10-year earning potential by a median of $250,075.
23 Feb 2022

Morning report ubiquitous in internal medicine since 1986, with some changes

A 2018 survey of internal medicine program directors found that morning report continues to be highly prevalent but is held less frequently, for less time, and often later in the day than in 1986. Almost 40% of program directors reported feeling pressure to move or cancel morning report.
6 Oct 2021

Trainees appear to evaluate general internal medicine faculty performance differently by gender

In the inpatient setting, male faculty were rated more favorably for overall teaching and across all competencies, while the only observed gender difference in the outpatient setting favored female faculty in patient care.
25 Aug 2021

Gender pay gap persists in internal medicine, especially in procedural subspecialties

Only general internal medicine, endocrinology, and geriatrics had more women than men, and only 26% of full professors were women, an analysis of U.S. internal medicine faculty in 2018 to 2019 found.
21 Jul 2021

Promotion rates, scholarly productivity appear low in academic hospital medicine

In a cross-sectional study of U.S. academic hospital medicine faculty at top institutions, 2.7% had reached the rank of full professor, and scholarly publication overall was uncommon, with more than half of the hospitalists having never published.
23 Jun 2021

Training meets pandemic

Academic medicine adapted rapidly to COVID-19.
15 Aug 2020

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