Search results for "Cardiology"
High-intensity statins associated with survival after myocardial infarction in elderly
Among French patients 80 years or older at the time of a myocardial infarction, receiving high-intensity lipid-lowering therapy at discharge was associated with lower risk of death over five years.
8 May 2024
New scientific statement covers diagnosis, treatment of cardiac sarcoidosis
The American Heart Association addressed the increasing prevalence of cardiac sarcoidosis and recommended corticosteroids as first-line treatment in a new statement.
24 Apr 2024
Studies look at outcomes with drug use and heart failure, infective endocarditis
Almost 10% of patients with acute heart failure tested positive for drug use, a French study found, while an analysis of U.S. patients who injected drugs and underwent surgery for infective endocarditis found that 79% had relapsed and 68% had died by five years.
21 Feb 2024
Acute chest pain in women vs. men treated differently across the care spectrum
A cohort study in Australia found that women with acute chest pain were less likely than men to receive guideline-directed care across most measures, including transport to the hospital, prehospital administration of aspirin or analgesia, and 12-lead electrocardiogram.
8 Mar 2023
New score developed to improve risk stratification in type 2 myocardial infarction
The T2-risk score incorporates age, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, myocardial ischemia on electrocardiogram, heart rate, anemia, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and maximal cardiac troponin concentration.
18 Jan 2023
AHA issues scientific statement on ACS in older patients
The American Heart Association (AHA) provided recommended strategies for managing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients ages 75 years and older.
21 Dec 2022
Nine factors associated with risk of cardiac arrest after STEMI in new analysis
In-hospital cardiac arrest occurred in 2.2% of patients hospitalized for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and was less likely in those who received beta-blockers, ticagrelor, or primary percutaneous coronary intervention, an observational Chinese study found.
2 Nov 2022
New 8-item risk score may help predict ischemic events after ACS treated with PCI
Growth differentiation factor 15 and N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide were the best predictors of one-year risk of cardiovascular death or myocardial infarction among patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
26 Oct 2022
Hypothermic temperature control did not improve survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest
A randomized controlled trial in Germany that compared 24 hours of mild therapeutic hypothermia to normothermia in comatose resuscitated patients found no difference in survival to discharge or in all-cause survival and functional outcomes at 180 days.
5 Oct 2022
Early invasive treatment for NSTEMI may not benefit patients with chronic kidney disease
Early treatment for non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) was associated with a 30% improvement in survival compared to delayed treatment, but the association was attenuated as renal function declined, a retrospective study in Israel found.
5 Oct 2022
AHA scientific statement offers guidance on LV thrombus
Treat patients with left ventricular (LV) thrombus after myocardial infarction with oral anticoagulants for three months, the American Heart Association (AHA) said, among other recommendations.
21 Sep 2022
For ACS patients, risk of repeat event high immediately after discharge
A follow-up analysis of patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) found a greater than 40% risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal ischemic stroke, or cardiovascular death shortly after discharge, compared to a risk of only about 6% per year after one year.
4 May 2022
Cardiac societies release guideline on evaluation, diagnosis of chest pain
The recommendations from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology, with support from other societies, provide algorithms for assessing and diagnosing chest pain in adults and offer 10 take-home points, including on use of testing and imaging.
10 Nov 2021
Risk for adverse outcomes after early-onset MI appears higher in Black patients
Researchers calculated that 45.7% of race-related disparity in major adverse cardiac events after myocardial infarction (MI) among younger and middle-aged patients was due to lower income, highlighting the importance of social determinants of health.
1 Sep 2021
Immediate angiography after cardiac arrest did not provide benefit in a trial
Thirty-day mortality was the same in patients resuscitated for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest without ST-segment elevation, regardless of whether they received immediate coronary angiography or initial intensive care with delayed or selective angiography.
1 Sep 2021
High-sensitivity troponin reduced the cascade of cardio interventions after chest pain
An analysis of ED patients found an increase in repeat troponin testing and EKGs, but reductions in CT scans, stress tests, cardiology evaluations, and hospitalizations associated with implementation of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin testing.
23 Jun 2021
Intubations during in-hospital cardiac arrest decreased from 2001 through 2018
The most substantial decline followed the American Heart Association's 2010 guideline update, which prioritized chest compressions over airway management for in-hospital cardiac arrest.
23 Jun 2021
Study finds no mortality benefit from use of oxygen in all patients with suspected ACS
Providing oxygen at 6 L/min to 8 L/min by face mask to all patients presenting with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) versus only if oxygen saturation was less than 90% did not improve outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster-randomized, crossover trial in New Zealand.
10 Mar 2021
Injection drug use-associated infective endocarditis carries higher risk of systemic emboli
An international cohort study found that mortality rates were lower when infective endocarditis was associated with injection drug use compared to other causes, and these patients, who were typically young and healthy, less often underwent cardiac surgery.
3 Feb 2021
Decision pathway provides checklist of factors to consider before same-day discharge after nonurgent PCI
The American College of Cardiology's expert consensus decision pathway includes a checklist of clinical, social, and facility/systems factors to consider before and after elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to help clinicians make informed decisions around same-day discharge.
13 Jan 2021