Search results for "Care Transitions"
Overdose risk doubled after patient discharge before medically advised
A Canadian study of whether discharge before medically advised was associated with drug overdose risk found that the overdose rate went up significantly after hospitalization whether the discharge was advised or not, compared to earlier no-overdose periods in the patients' lives.
9 Oct 2024
Systematic review looks at effects of transitional care clinics
Implementation of transitional care clinics for recently hospitalized patients without a primary care clinician appeared to be associated with reductions in ED visits and readmissions, but no change in mortality, compared to usual care, according to a review.
24 Apr 2024
Virtual rounds after transfers to SNF identified errors in discharge summaries
Hospitalists at two academic hospitals met weekly with clinicians from skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to discuss patients who had recently been handed off, and they found errors in nearly a quarter of discharge summaries.
11 Oct 2023
Readmission project failed to reduce readmissions or mortality, Swiss study finds
An accompanying editorial by Robert M. Wachter, MD, MACP, offered thoughts on why several recent interventions haven't budged readmissions and where to go from here.
10 May 2023
Transition clinic visit after ED discharge lowered odds of ED revisit, didn't change hospital admissions
The most common type of care provided by a newly established ED care transitions clinic in Chicago was wound care, and wound checks had a higher rate of appointment completion than clinical appointments.
15 Feb 2023
Nurse-led care transitions program for rural veterans didn't decrease overall costs
While the change in overall 30-day health care costs after hospitalization did not differ between participants and controls, program enrollees had a significantly smaller increase in inpatient costs and a significantly larger increase in outpatient costs from before hospitalization to after.
7 Sep 2022
Electronic tool for ICU-to-ward discharge linked to timely, complete discharge summaries
A Canadian study of adult patients discharged from the ICU to a hospital ward found that the proportion of those with timely and complete discharge summaries increased from 10.8% to 71.1% after implementation of a structured electronic discharge summary tool.
24 Aug 2022
Transitional care program reduced admissions but not 90-day mortality rates
The postdischarge transition program included a multidisciplinary team that assessed patients' medical and psychosocial needs, addressed modifiable barriers, and linked patients to a new primary care source.
5 Jun 2019
Improving in-hospital handoffs
Any physicians who hand off patients may want to consider how well their messages are being understood, especially because patient safety is at stake.
17 Apr 2019
Postdischarge home visit program appeared most effective for patients with cognitive impairment
Participating patients were seen at home within five days of discharge and again the following week by a nurse practitioner who provided medication reconciliation, chronic illness management, patient education, and various assessments.
27 Feb 2019
Residents report that ‘warm handoffs' enhance patient safety
One residency program implemented a protocol in which the incoming and outgoing residents met at the end of a ward rotation to sign out and jointly round on sicker patients using a bedside-rounding checklist.
23 Aug 2017