Search results for "Coronavirus"
Lower mortality in COVID-19 with remdesivir plus dexamethasone than dexamethasone alone
An industry-funded retrospective study found that COVID-19 patients who got both remdesivir and dexamethasone had lower inpatient mortality than matched patients who got dexamethasone alone, across all levels of respiratory support.
2 Oct 2024
Myocardial injury from COVID-19 rarely progressive, U.K. study finds
Few patients who had myocardial injury during a hospitalization for COVID-19 had a major adverse cardiovascular event within a year, and cardiac imaging at six months after discharge showed slight improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction on average.
4 Sep 2024
Nosocomial COVID-19 infection, even with omicron variant, increased mortality
Patients who caught SARS-CoV-2 in the hospital early in the pandemic had double the risk of death during hospitalization as matched inpatient controls without COVID-19; those who caught later variants had a lower, but still significant, increase in risk of inpatient mortality.
17 Jul 2024
Discharge timing model identifies risk for readmission, death after COVID-19
Risk of death or readmission within 30 days was higher in patients with fever within 72 hours of discharge; tachypnea, tachycardia, or lack of improvement in oxygen requirement in the last 24 hours; and lymphopenia or thrombocytopenia at the time of discharge.
10 Jul 2024
Effects of remdesivir evaluated in new manufacturer-funded studies
One analysis showed that remdesivir reduced mortality in COVID-19 patients requiring oxygen, while another showed no improvement in outcomes, but also no adverse effects, of the drug in hospitalized COVID-19 patients with kidney damage.
3 Jul 2024
Admission of COVID-19 patients to SNFs likely increased cases and related deaths
Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) that admitted patients with COVID-19 had 6.94 additional new cases per 100 residents than similar facilities that didn't admit patients known to be positive, a study from June 2020 to March 2021 found.
12 Jun 2024
More than 1 in 10 COVID-19 patients got discharge prescription of opioid, benzo, or antipsychotic
COVID-19 patients who were newly prescribed an opioid, benzodiazepine, or antipsychotic upon hospital discharge had a significantly higher risk of rehospitalization or death within 28 days, a single-center study found.
22 May 2024
Factors identified to predict risk of type 2 MI in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
Patients who were on antihyperglycemic or anticoagulant medications before admission were less likely to be among the 2.2% of patients who had a type 2 non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (MI) while hospitalized with COVID-19, a retrospective study found.
22 May 2024
Lower oxygen target led to better outcomes in ICU patients with COVID-19
Targeting an arterial pressure of oxygen of 60 mm Hg resulted in more days alive without life support within 90 days but no significant improvement in mortality compared to a target of 90 mm Hg, a trial in critically ill COVID-19 patients found.
27 Mar 2024
Biomarkers may predict which medications are effective for patients hospitalized for COVID-19
Two studies looked at biomarkers that could be used to identify high-risk hospital patients who would likely benefit from medications for COVID-19, while another recent analysis provided reassuring data on the aftereffects of acute kidney injury during COVID-19 hospitalization.
28 Feb 2024
Latest COVID-19 trials show convalescent plasma worked, vitamin C did not
A trial of high-titer convalescent plasma in COVID-19 patients recently put on mechanical ventilation found an improvement in mortality, while another study showed that IV vitamin C did not help and might have harmed patients.
1 Nov 2023
Fungal infection common in critically ill COVID-19 patients
A retrospective study in Belgium found that risk of pulmonary aspergillosis in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients was primarily associated with pre-existing risk factors for invasive mold disease.
20 Sep 2023
Elevated risk of hospitalization, death after COVID-19 dwindles by six months
A hospitalization for COVID-19 carries higher mortality risk than one for flu for only 90 days, one study found, while another showed that veterans who had COVID-19 actually had lower mortality risk than matched uninfected peers in the subsequent six months to two years.
23 Aug 2023
Chest physicians make 11 recommendations on antithrombotic therapy in COVID-19
The recommendations on prevention and management of arterial thrombosis and thromboembolism are not a major departure from prepandemic ones, according to an expert panel from the American College of Chest Physicians.
5 Jul 2023
At a year, after-effects of COVID-19 hospitalization other than VTE similar to flu, sepsis
Compared to patients hospitalized with flu or sepsis, those with COVID-19 had increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), stroke, depression, and anxiety in the 30 days after discharge, but over a year, only the risk for VTE was significantly elevated.
28 Jun 2023
Higher risk of false-positive HIV test in those testing positive for COVID-19 infection
Hospitalized patients with positive SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results were significantly more likely to have a false-positive fourth-generation HIV test than those with negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR test results, a retrospective study found.
24 May 2023
Procalcitonin algorithm reduced antibiotic use in COVID-19 inpatients
A Dutch intervention used procalcitonin levels in inpatients with COVID-19 to guide antibiotic use, with an algorithm discouraging prescriptions if levels were less than 0.25 ng/mL and recommending antibiotics for patients with levels above 0.5 ng/mL.
3 May 2023
Sepsis scores perform poorly in COVID-19 patients, study finds
In the latest COVID-19 news, a retrospective analysis tested common inpatient risk scores using data from patients who presented to EDs early in the pandemic, and the FDA authorized additional boosters for older and immunocompromised patients.
26 Apr 2023
No benefit found from high-dose steroids, RAS inhibitors in latest COVID-19 trials
Multiple new studies tested renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors in inpatients with COVID-19, while the latest report from the RECOVERY trial found higher mortality in patients on no or regular oxygen who received high-dose corticosteroids compared to usual care.
19 Apr 2023
Remdesivir reduced mortality in inpatients on no or regular oxygen, meta-analysis finds
The patient-level analysis of all available trials of remdesivir still did not have the power to identify any effect of the drug on mortality in COVID-19 patients receiving high-flow oxygen or mechanical ventilation.
1 Mar 2023