Search results for "Infectious Disease"

Results 1 - 20 of about 46 for "Infectious Disease".
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Recurrent C. difficile infections more than doubled between 2001 and 2012 Weekly

Risk factors for multiply recurrent Clostridium difficile infection included being older, being female, having chronic kidney disease, residing in a nursing home, and having taken antibiotics, proton-pump inhibitors, or corticosteroids, the retrospective study found.
12 Jul 2017

Facility-level antibiotic use associated with C. difficile rates in long-term care

Importation of C. difficile was three times more common in long-term care than in acute care, leading the study authors to recommend better coordination of infection control across settings.
14 Jun 2017

Hundreds of cases of Legionnaires' disease in 2015 linked to health care facilities' water systems, CDC reports

The fatality rate was 25% for cases definitely associated with a hospital or long-term care facility stay and 10% for cases that were possibly health care-associated.
14 Jun 2017

Cefazolin associated with lower mortality than other beta-lactams in MSSA infections, study finds

The retrospective study analyzed mortality and recurrent infections among inpatients at Veterans Administration hospitals who had blood cultures that were positive for methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA).
12 Apr 2017

C. difficile recurrence risk reduced with bezlotoxumab versus placebo, industry study finds

The number needed to treat to prevent one C. difficile recurrence was 10 in the overall patient population and 6 in patients age 65 years and over and those with previous infections.
1 Feb 2017

Isolation precautions associated with increases in length of stay and cost Weekly

Compared to non-isolated patients, patients on isolation for respiratory illnesses stayed 17% longer in the hospital, while patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus stayed 30% longer.
26 Oct 2016

Molecular rapid diagnostic testing outperforms conventional methods in bloodstream infections

Patients who received molecular rapid diagnostic testing had significantly lower odds of mortality when it was used with an antibiotic stewardship program, but not when it was used without stewardship, according to a recent systematic review and meta-analysis.
5 Oct 2016

CDC reports fourth case of U.S. patient with E. coli harboring colistin resistance gene

The latest isolate of Escherichia coli harboring mcr-1, the gene that confers resistance to polymyxins, was collected in June from a 2-year-old girl in Connecticut.
21 Sep 2016

Avoiding beta-lactam therapy in hospitalized patients with self-reported allergies may lead to more adverse events

Developing inpatient programs aimed at accurately identifying beta-lactam allergies to safely promote beta-lactam administration among patients who report allergies is warranted, the authors concluded.
20 Jul 2016

IDSA releases new guidelines for treatment of patients with aspergillosis Weekly

The recommendations update the 2008 guidelines with increased evidence for antifungal therapies and diagnostic tests.
13 Jul 2016

Pharmacist-run antimicrobial stewardship programs may be useful in hospitals without ID subspecialists

A project in South African hospitals aimed at reducing antibiotic consumption by targeting prolonged duration of use, use of multiple antibiotics, and use of redundant antibiotic coverage.
22 Jun 2016

Ceftazidime-avibactam and doripenem equally effective for complicated inpatient UTI

The findings are consistent with previous preclinical and clinical studies and show that ceftazidime-avibactam could be an alternative to carbapenems, reducing use of that drug class, study authors said.
22 Jun 2016

CA-UTI prevention project worked outside ICUs, but not inside

The Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program's efforts to build multidisciplinary teams, focus on camaraderie and communication, and attend to failure points may be responsible for its success, according to an editorial.
8 Jun 2016

Poor outcomes, inappropriate treatment more likely in CAP due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, study finds

P. aeruginosa was found in 4% of studied Spanish patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), and of these patients who had antibiogram data available, 32% were found to have multidrug-resistant infections.
27 Apr 2016

Ceftazidime-avibactam works for complicated UTIs and abdominal infections, industry study finds

The authors concluded that the results support the use of ceftazidime-avibactam as a potential alternative to carbapenems, noting that in urinary tract infections (UTIs), clinical cure rates were similar and microbiological responses favored the new drug.
27 Apr 2016

New guidelines for hospitals' antibiotic stewardship programs

The guidelines include 28 recommendations from an expert panel convened by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.
20 Apr 2016

Several antimicrobial stewardship components improve outcomes, review finds Hospitalist Weekly

Empirical therapy according to guidelines, de-escalation of therapy, switch from intravenous to oral treatment, therapeutic drug monitoring, use of a list of restricted antibiotics, and bedside consultation all improved either patient or cost outcomes.
9 Mar 2016

IDSA releases updated guidelines for managing candidiasis

New data regarding the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of proven or suspected invasive candidiasis have led to substantial changes in the 2016 guidelines.
23 Dec 2015

Single-dose dalbavancin is noninferior to 2 doses for acute bacterial skin infections

In addition to producing similar outcomes, the regimens had similar safety profiles, with nausea being the only event reported in more than 2% of patients in either treatment arm of the randomized trial.
9 Dec 2015

Contamination frequently occurs when hospital personnel remove protective gear, study finds

Incorrect techniques were observed in 39.5% of simulations, but contamination occurred even in 30% of properly performed removals.
21 Oct 2015

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