Search results for "Inpatient Monitoring"

Results 1 - 4 of about 4 for "Inpatient Monitoring".

April 20, 2022

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Patient deterioration alerts didn't improve mortality or length of stay in trials

According to a new systematic review, pre-post studies have found benefits from using health information technology for early detection of inpatient deterioration, but randomized controlled trials have shown no significant changes from such interventions.
20 Apr 2022

Nurse-led mobile EKG monitoring in the hospital appears cost-effective after initial stroke

An Australian study found that mobile EKG monitoring was associated with marginally higher costs and more quality-adjusted life-years over a 20-year time horizon than 24-hour Holter monitoring during an index hospitalization for stroke.
20 Apr 2022

AHA issues scientific statement on managing atrial fibrillation during hospitalization

Acute manifestations of atrial fibrillation warrant clinical attention during hospitalization, at transitions of care, and over the long term, said the American Heart Association (AHA) statement, which reviewed triggers and treatments for the condition.
22 Mar 2023

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