Search results for "Opioids"

Results 1 - 20 of about 25 for "Opioids".
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Women less likely than men to receive opioids while hospitalized

Hospitalized female patients were less likely to receive opioids for their pain, and when they did, they received 27.46 fewer morphine milligram equivalents per day on average than males, a study at an academic teaching hospital in California found.
21 Aug 2024

Early opioid withdrawal treatment reduced early departures from the hospital

Withdrawal treatment with buprenorphine, methadone, or other opioid analgesics was associated with a lower risk of patients with opioid use disorder leaving the hospital prior to completion of medical treatment versus no withdrawal treatment, a study found.
22 Feb 2023

Overdose risk may be highest in week after hospital discharge for patients on long-term opioids

During the first seven days after hospital discharge, patients prescribed long-term opioid therapy overdosed on opioids at a rate more than six times higher than in other time periods, a retrospective study in one health system found.
1 Feb 2023

Stewardship program improved perioperative opioid prescribing

A project in a safety-net health system reduced use of hydrocodone-acetaminophen for surgical patients and increased prescribing of acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and oxycodone to them without increasing overall opioid use or returns to the ED.
21 Dec 2022

New recommendations on managing patients with opioid use disorder from SHM

The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) released a consensus statement on the management of opioid use disorder in inpatients, including identification and treatment of the condition, pain management in patients with it, and care transitions.
3 Aug 2022

Younger age, other factors associated with new OUD diagnosis after hospitalization

A retrospective cohort study looked at opioid-naive patients who received at least one prescription for an opioid during a surgical or nonsurgical inpatient hospitalization between 2014 and 2017.
25 May 2022

Few internal medicine residency programs provide clinical opioid-related training

A 2019 survey of members of the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine found that while 82% of programs required some training in safe opioid prescribing and opioid use disorder treatment, few programs required clinical experiences.
10 Nov 2021

Prescription of opioids at hospital discharge may vary by race/ethnicity

A single-center, retrospective analysis of patients who received opioids in the last 24 hours of hospitalization found that Black patients were less likely than White or Asian patients to be prescribed opioids at discharge.
22 Sep 2021

Opioid agonist therapy infrequently prescribed during hospitalization for veterans with opioid use disorder

About 15% of inpatients with opioid use disorder received methadone or buprenorphine in the hospital, and the vast majority of patients who were not on opioid agonist therapy prior to admission did not receive it during hospitalization.
22 Apr 2020

Opioids were commonly used for acute gout treatment, ED study finds

More than 28% of patients with acute gout who were discharged from an ED received an opioid prescription, even though there are other treatment options.
17 Jul 2019

New opioid use as an inpatient associated with continued use 90 days, 1 year later

Almost half of opioid-naïve patients who were admitted to the hospital received opioids during their stay, according to an analysis of 2010 to 2014 data from several Pennsylvania hospitals.
19 Jun 2019

Tramadol, gabapentinoids associated with problematic opioid use in hospitalized patients, studies find

One study found that postop tramadol is associated with slightly higher risk of later opioid use versus other short-acting opioids, while another found that gabapentinoids are commonly given off-label in the hospital, sometimes with opioids and benzodiazepines.
22 May 2019

Anticonvulsant may increase mortality risk when coprescribed with opioids

All doses of pregabalin were associated with increased odds of opioid-related death compared to taking opioids without pregabalin, but the risk was higher with pregabalin doses above 300 mg/d.
22 Aug 2018

Mortality in year after overdose lower with methadone or buprenorphine treatment

About 30% of patients who survived an opioid overdose in Massachusetts between 2012 and 2014 received medications for opioid use disorder in the subsequent 12 months, most commonly buprenorphine.
20 Jun 2018

Encouraging use of subcutaneous opioids reduces IV opioid prescribing, pilot study finds

One general medicine unit educated prescribers and nursing staff about subcutaneous opioid administration and successfully adopted a standard of practice preferring oral and subcutaneous opioids over IVs.
23 May 2018

SHM releases recommendations on opioid use in hospitalized adults with acute, noncancer pain

Clinicians should pair opioids with scheduled nonopioid analgesics, unless contraindicated, and always consider nonpharmacologic pain management strategies, according to the consensus statement from the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM).
11 Apr 2018

ICU admissions, mortality rates for opioid overdoses on the rise

The average cost per ICU overdose admission increased by 58% between 2009 and 2015 while the proportion of critically ill overdose patients who needed renal replacement therapy increased by 37%.
23 Aug 2017

Many patients do not use or discard prescription opioids after surgery, review finds

Increased efforts are needed to develop and disseminate best practices to reduce the oversupply of opioids after surgery, especially given how commonly opioid analgesics are diverted for nonmedical use, the authors said.
9 Aug 2017

CDC issues recommendations for prescribing opioids for chronic pain

The recommendations focused on 3 areas: starting or continuing opioids for chronic pain; opioid selection, dosage, duration, follow-up, and discontinuation; and assessing risk and addressing harms of opioid use.
23 Mar 2016

Nearly all patients received prescription opioids after an overdose, study finds

In the 90 days before an overdose, 56% of studied patients were dispensed a benzodiazepine, 59% had claims with a mental health diagnosis, and 41% had claims with a substance use disorder.
13 Jan 2016

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