Search results for "Pneumonia"

Results 1 - 20 of about 37 for "Pneumonia".
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Corticosteroids appear safe but ineffective in M. pneumoniae pneumonia

Hospitalized adults with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia who received adjunctive corticosteroids had similar time to hypoxemia regression and length of stay but shorter fever duration versus controls, a Swedish cohort study found.
11 Sep 2024

Many in-hospital deaths from nonventilator HAP may not be preventable

Only approximately one in five cases of nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and approximately one in 12 related deaths were considered potentially preventable based on a review of medical records at four U.S. hospitals.
28 Aug 2024

Most patients hospitalized with pneumonia had discordant initial, discharge diagnoses

Patients who were discharged from the hospital with a pneumonia diagnosis after being admitted from the ED with a different diagnosis had higher 30-day mortality than those with concordant diagnoses, a retrospective Veterans Affairs study found.
7 Aug 2024

Patients with HIV have similar inpatient mortality from CAP as those without HIV

Patients diagnosed with AIDS who were hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) had threefold the inpatient mortality of those with HIV and CAP but not AIDS, a retrospective Canadian study found.
7 Aug 2024

Glucocorticoids prescribed to 1 in 9 ward patients with CAP, real-world data suggest

Glucocorticoids were prescribed in 11.1% of patients hospitalized on medical wards with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) between 2010 and 2020, and these patients had higher inpatient mortality, data from seven Canadian hospitals showed.
12 Jun 2024

Inappropriate CAP diagnosis common in hospitalized adults

A prospective cohort study of 48 hospitals in Michigan found that 12% of patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) appeared to have been diagnosed incorrectly and that of these, 87.6% received a full course of antibiotics.
27 Mar 2024

Individualized short-course antibiotics noninferior to usual care for VAP

In a randomized open-label trial, 41% of ICU patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) who received antibiotics for seven days or less died or had pneumonia recurrence at 60 days versus 44% of those who received usual care.
31 Jan 2024

Costs for pneumonia hospitalization vary by comorbidity, care practices

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and/or heart failure on top of pneumonia have higher hospitalization costs, one study found, while another found that higher-cost hospitals didn't have better mortality rates among their pneumonia patients.
18 Oct 2023

First-line antibiotic options for CAP on the wards show similar mortality rates

A large retrospective study of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) found similar inpatient mortality with a beta-lactam plus a macrolide, a beta-lactam plus doxycycline, or a respiratory fluoroquinolone. A beta-lactam alone appeared less effective.
23 Aug 2023

In-hospital PT may improve discharge disposition in pneumonia patients

Patients with pneumonia who received physical therapy (PT) every day while hospitalized were more likely to be discharged home than those who received it less frequently, a recent study found.
16 Aug 2023

Early hydrocortisone therapy reduced 28-day mortality in ICU patients with severe CAP

A phase 3 double-blind trial in France randomly assigned adults who had been admitted to the ICU with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) to receive IV hydrocortisone or placebo for eight to 14 days.
29 Mar 2023

Higher-dose prophylactic anticoagulation required to prevent thrombosis in hypoxemic COVID-19

Mortality and time to improvement didn't differ with twice the standard dose of heparin versus a standard or therapeutic dose, but there was a lower rate of new thromboembolic events with no increase in major bleeding, a French trial found.
29 Mar 2023

Ultrashort antibiotics for pneumonia may work for patients with preserved oxygenation

In hospitalized patients with pneumonia and oxygen saturations of 95% or greater without supplemental oxygen, outcomes were similar with one to two versus five to eight days of antibiotics, leading the authors of a recent study to suggest use of oxygenation levels to identify candidates for early discontinuation.
3 Aug 2022

Gram stain-guided antibiotics for VAP noninferior to guideline-based therapy

Compared with guideline-based treatment, treatment guided by Gram staining significantly reduced use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and yielded similar clinical responses in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), a Japanese trial found.
13 Apr 2022

Real-time clinical decision support associated with improved pneumonia care

A trial at 16 hospitals in Utah found lower mortality rates, improved antibiotic prescribing, and increased discharge to home after deployment of guideline-based electronic clinical decision support for pneumonia care in the ED.
16 Mar 2022

Guidelines not always followed in patients with CAP

A study of data from 177 U.S. hospitals found that almost all patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) received blood cultures and less than a quarter were tested for influenza.
2 Mar 2022

Beta-lactam plus doxycycline associated with lower mortality in older patients with CAP

Compared to other guideline-concordant empiric therapies for patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), beta-lactam plus doxycycline was associated with lower 30-day and 90-day mortality in a Veterans Affairs cohort study.
17 Nov 2021

Guideline addresses viral testing in patients with community-acquired pneumonia

The new American Thoracic Society guideline opposes routine use of nucleic acid-based testing for noninfluenza viral pathogens in outpatients with community-acquired pneumonia but identifies some uses for the tests in inpatients.
12 May 2021

Guidance released for treating CAP in immunocompromised patients

The recommendations, based mainly on expert opinion, include general principles of empiric therapy and advice for specific pathogens, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and resistant gram-negative bacilli.
24 Jun 2020

Empiric antibiotics for pneumonia often not de-escalated after negative cultures

Rates of antimicrobial de-escalation immediately following negative cultures for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas varied widely across hospitals, ranging from 2% to 35%, with larger teaching hospitals having the highest rates of de-escalation.
11 Mar 2020

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