Search results for "Procedures"
Peripheral internal jugular catheters possible solution to difficult IV access
In a two-year pilot study involving 32 eligible patients at a U.S. academic hospital, 97% of peripheral internal jugular catheters were successfully placed with no complications.
4 Oct 2023
Chief resident-led medical procedure service appears safe, successful
Internal medicine chief residents trained and supervised interns in ultrasound-guided procedures during a four-week rotation. Rates of overall procedure success, complications, and major complications were 94%, 2.6%, and 0.6%, respectively, according to analysis from 2011 to 2022.
7 Jun 2023
Medical procedure service trained residents with high success rate
Over a 4.5-year period at one academic medical center, 5,320 procedures were attempted, 58.7% by a supervised resident and 41.3% by an attending, with an overall success rate of 91.1% and a major complication rate of 0.8%.
20 Jul 2022
Complications rare but potentially serious after pleural procedures
A narrative review looked at complications related to thoracocentesis, intercostal drains, indwelling pleural catheters, and local anesthetic thoracoscopy.
15 Dec 2021
POCUS increased safety of paracentesis in patients with ascites, trainee study finds
Use of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) before paracentesis significantly changed the needle insertion location in two-thirds of studied cases, and six procedures were cancelled based on POCUS findings.
11 Aug 2021
Review offers four recommendations to improve hospitalists' procedural competency
While no convincing data suggested that bedside procedures performed by procedural specialists have better outcomes than those done by well-trained hospitalists, increased referrals and a lack of standardized training or assessment have led to decreasing procedural competency, a literature review found.
24 Mar 2021
New SHM statement offers recommendations on ultrasound guidance for thoracentesis
The position statement from the Society of Hospital Medicine notes that ultrasound guidance has been associated with increased success rates and decreased complication rates for thoracentesis.
7 Feb 2018
SHM issues position statement on ultrasound-guided procedures
The Society of Hospital Medicine calls for written or oral examinations, as well as patient-based assessments with feedback, for credentialing in ultrasound-guided procedures.
24 Jan 2018
Atraumatic needles associated with fewer side effects for lumbar puncture
Atraumatic needles were associated with significantly reduced risk for headache and other complications while having similar rates of efficacy as conventional needles, according to the meta-analysis.
13 Dec 2017