Search results for "Residents Page"
January 2015
ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.
September 2014
ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.
March 2015
ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.
October 2009
ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.
Transitioning from the domain of health care to the domain of health
One of the most interesting aspects of the transformation occurring in medicine is the effort that some organizations have committed to reexamining the scope of their business.
15 Sep 2014
‘Digitally native’ learners and physician evaluation
Fund of knowledge cannot be the sole (or even main) proxy for physician quality.
15 Mar 2015
Managing acute opiate withdrawal in hospitalized patients
The case of a 48-year-old man who presented to the hospital seeking treatment for acute heroin withdrawal is discussed.
15 Oct 2009
Improving teamwork through the selection of medical trainees
Admissions requirements and interviews could be modified to emphasize teamwork, among other strategies.
15 Jan 2015
RESIDENTS’ PAGE. A C P H O S P I TA L I S T October 2009 27. ... determined by the patient’s. symptoms of withdrawal. acp-hosp0910:acp-hosp0910 9/29/09 10:04 AM Page 27.
29 Sep 2009