Search results for "Rounding"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "Rounding".

Interdisciplinary rounds include more nurse communication when attendings present

Attendings spent more time talking with nurses and were more likely to initiate a conversation about nurse concerns during interdisciplinary rounds compared to residents, interns, and medical students, observers found.
23 Aug 2023

Rounding on discharging patients first didn't improve efficiency metrics

Instructing hospitalists and their teams to prioritize seeing the patients being discharged that day didn't significantly change discharge order times or length of stay compared to usual care, a multicenter study found.
1 Mar 2023

Participants, content in interdisciplinary rounds varies by individual hospital

In an observational study of 27 U.S. hospitals of different types and sizes, all rounding teams included a case manager or social worker while 51.9% included a physician, nurse, and pharmacist.
22 Feb 2023

Trial finds no difference in patient knowledge with bedside vs. outside-the-room case presentation

Although patients had similar knowledge of their medical care irrespective of whether consultant rounds were done at the bedside or in the hallway, the bedside presentation group reported higher ratings of confusion about medical jargon and uncertainty caused by team discussions.
30 Jun 2021

Bedside interdisciplinary rounding may not affect clinical outcomes

One study created a bedside model for mobile interdisciplinary care rounds, while another study looked at the effects of regionalizing care teams and encouraging bedside rounds.
8 Mar 2017

Standardized bedside attending rounds increased patient satisfaction

The study's intervention included huddling to establish the rounding schedule and priorities, conducting bedside rounds, integrating bedside nurses, entering orders in bedside computers, and updating patient-room whiteboards.
1 Mar 2017

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