Search results for "AKI"
As-needed blood pressure medication associated with acute kidney injury
Hypertensive patients who received as-needed blood pressure drugs, particularly IV ones, during a medical hospitalization had higher rates of acute kidney injury than those who didn't get as-needed meds, a retrospective Veterans Affairs study found.
11 Dec 2024
Early RRT did not affect survival in critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury
In a meta-analysis of individual patient data from nine trials, there was no difference in 28-day mortality by whether renal replacement therapy (RRT) was initiated within a few hours of randomization or delayed for at least a day.
6 May 2020
Personalized care recommendations for AKI response didn't improve outcomes
Individualized recommendations from a kidney action team did not reduce risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) progression, dialysis, or mortality among hospitalized patients who developed AKI, according to results of a randomized trial in seven U.S. hospitals.
6 Nov 2024
No association between contrast use and AKI seen in critically ill patients with normal kidney function
Acute kidney injury (AKI) was significantly associated with clinical factors, such as sepsis, metabolic disorders, and severity of illness, but not the use of IV contrast, according to a propensity-matched analysis of ICU patients.
6 Nov 2019
March 2021
ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.
New method and lower dosing of vancomycin could treat MRSA with reduced AKI
Achieving typical area under the curve to minimum inhibitory concentrations of vancomycin was not associated with a lower rate of treatment failure but was associated with increased risk of acute kidney injury (AKI), a study found.
12 Jun 2019
December 2015
ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.
Fluid overload associated with adverse event risk in critically ill AKI patients
In a single-center retrospective study, those with fluid overload less than or equal to 10% were less likely to have major adverse kidney events than those with fluid overload greater than 10%.
12 Jun 2019
July 12, 2023
ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.
Sodium bicarbonate and acetylcysteine did not reduce AKI after PCI in patients with CKD
A subgroup analysis of the PRESERVE trial compared sodium bicarbonate with sodium chloride and acetylcysteine with placebo in patients with stage III or IV chronic kidney disease (CKD) who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
21 Nov 2018