Search results for "End-of-Life Care"

Results 1 - 10 of about 113 for "End-of-Life Care".
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Improving end-of-life care with trials and communication

The latest feature articles from ACP Hospitalist describe how physicians can help patients avoid nonbeneficial care, understand their prognoses, and communicate on emotional topics. There's also a new Coding Corner and Brief Case.
18 Aug 2021

February 2019

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

November 2018

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Mortality, hospitalizations, and end-of-life care improving, Medicare analysis finds

Medicare beneficiaries had fewer hospitalizations, including in the last 6 months of life, in 2013 compared to 1999, a study found. But another study showed that Medicare is most likely to penalize high-quality hospitals under its program to reduce hospital-acquired conditions.
5 Aug 2015

January 12, 2022

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

December 2013

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Invasive mechanical ventilation at end of life may be more common in Asian Americans

Researchers used a 20% random sample of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries to compare receipt of invasive mechanical ventilation among Asian American and White patients hospitalized in the last 30 days of life.
5 May 2021

August 2007

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

How COVID-19 changed end-of-life care

Hospitalists have had to find new strategies during the pandemic in order to provide optimal care, including company and comfort, to dying inpatients and their families.
12 Jan 2022

Use of noninvasive ventilation at end of life rapidly increased in recent years

Among Medicare beneficiaries hospitalized in the last 30 days of life, use of noninvasive ventilation increased ninefold from 2000 to 2017, while use of invasive mechanical ventilation remained relatively stable. Noninvasive ventilation was associated with better end-of-life care measures.
28 Oct 2020

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