Search results for "Endocarditis"

Results 1 - 10 of about 127 for "Endocarditis".
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Prediction rules for endocarditis in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia compared

In a Dutch study, one score (the VISTRA score) was considered safe for excluding endocarditis but could increase procedure use by classifying more patients as high risk.
28 Jul 2021

Scores for infective endocarditis in bacteremia patients compared

The HANDOC score has high negative predictive value for identifying infective endocarditis and the 2023 Duke criteria from the International Society of Cardiovascular Infectious Diseases beat two other versions for diagnosing the disorder in patients with strep bacteremia, a Swiss study found.
12 Jun 2024

Injection drug use-associated infective endocarditis carries higher risk of systemic emboli

An international cohort study found that mortality rates were lower when infective endocarditis was associated with injection drug use compared to other causes, and these patients, who were typically young and healthy, less often underwent cardiac surgery.
3 Feb 2021

Studies look at outcomes with drug use and heart failure, infective endocarditis

Almost 10% of patients with acute heart failure tested positive for drug use, a French study found, while an analysis of U.S. patients who injected drugs and underwent surgery for infective endocarditis found that 79% had relapsed and 68% had died by five years.
21 Feb 2024

Preop antibiotics should not delay surgery for infective endocarditis

One recent study analyzed the effects of preoperative antibiotics on infective endocarditis while another evaluated the risk of infective endocarditis with various species of streptococcal bloodstream infections.
1 Jul 2020

October 2017

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Addiction treatment rare after hospitalization for endocarditis related to injection drug use

Fewer than one-quarter of adults received medication for opioid use disorder (OUD) in the three months after discharge for injection drug use-associated endocarditis, and OUD treatment was associated with reduced mortality risk only in the month when patients were receiving it.
21 Oct 2020

Infective endocarditis death rates on the rise in young adults

Death certificate data showed age-adjusted death rates remained stable over the past two decades for the general population but rose in residents of Kentucky, West Virginia, and Tennessee.
20 Dec 2023

Infective endocarditis increases ischemic stroke risk for up to two years

The risk of ischemic stroke was highest during the first four weeks after an infective endocarditis diagnosis, and it was lower in patients on anticoagulation, according to the Danish registry study.
8 May 2019

March 15, 2023

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

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