Search results for "Hip fracture"

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December 2020

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Earlier hip fracture surgery admission associated with lower in-hospital mortality than later treatment

Study authors projected that there would be an additional 10.9 deaths for every 1,000 surgeries if all surgeries were performed after inpatient day 3 instead of on the admission day.
15 Aug 2018

February 8, 2023

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Surgical, nonsurgical management of hip fracture compared in nursing home residents with advanced dementia

Patients who had been managed surgically had less documented pain and fewer pressure ulcers, but use of antipsychotic drugs and physical restraints did not appear to differ, and few patients in either group remained ambulatory at six months.
16 May 2018

March 22, 2023

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Risk of mortality may be increased when hip fracture repair wait time exceeds 24 hours

Targeting surgery within 24 hours would represent a significant change in practice because the majority of patients did not receive surgery within this timeframe, study authors noted.
6 Dec 2017

Fixing hip fracture outcomes

Orthos, geriatricians, and hospitalists at one hospital collaborated to apply age-friendly strategies in their hip fracture care.
8 Feb 2023

Comprehensive geriatric unit improved outcomes in hip fracture patients

Treating hip fracture patients on a geriatric unit instead of an orthopedic one resulted in slightly improved mobility, quality of life, and activities of daily living 4 months after hospitalization, a study found.
11 Feb 2015

Helping hip fracture patients

Is comanagement the answer?
15 Dec 2020

Shorter hospital stay after hip fracture associated with increased mortality risk, study finds

Hospitalization for 10 days or less after a hip fracture was associated with increased mortality risk after discharge, according to a new study.
4 Mar 2015

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