Search results for "Patient Safety"

Results 1 - 10 of about 400 for "Patient Safety".
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Coadministration of antidepressants, certain opioids linked to adverse events in nursing home patients

Older nursing home patients who received both CYP2D6-metabolized opioids and CYP2D6-inhibiting antidepressants were at higher risk for worsening pain, pain-related hospitalization, pain-related ED visits, and opioid use disorder in a recent study.
24 Jul 2024

Regionalized care teams may not lead to improvements in patient safety, study finds

Researchers found no significant difference in preventable adverse events but did find improvement in nurses' and interns' communication about patients' expected discharge dates and daily care plans.
2 Mar 2016

'Fall-Free Fridays'

Weekly rounds with a catchy name helped one hospital reduce patient falls.
3 Jul 2024

Duty hours may have no effect on patient safety, resident well-being, care continuity

A randomized trial did not find a patient safety benefit from shorter duty schedules, a study found.
25 Feb 2015

July 24, 2024

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Residents report that ‘warm handoffs' enhance patient safety

One residency program implemented a protocol in which the incoming and outgoing residents met at the end of a ward rotation to sign out and jointly round on sicker patients using a bedside-rounding checklist.
23 Aug 2017

March 2014

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Patient safety, resident sleep do not appear to differ with flexible vs. standard duty hours

Sixty-three U.S. internal medicine residency programs were randomly assigned to follow standard duty-hour policies mandating 16-hour shifts and an 80-hour workweek, or flexible policies, with an 80-hour workweek but no limits on shift length or mandatory time off between shifts.
13 Mar 2019

December 2013

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

Attending physician workload may affect teaching effectiveness, patient safety

Academic rank and time spent with learners were positively associated with teaching evaluations, and higher midnight census and daily discharges were negatively associated, a single-center study found.
13 Jan 2016

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