Search results for "Web Exclusive"

Results 1 - 8 of about 8 for "Web Exclusive".

February 2012

ACP Hospitalist provides hospital-based physicians with news and information about the practice of hospital medicine.

July ACP Hospitalist now available, with a web exclusive

Our July issue includes a cover story looking at new drugs and data on Clostridium difficile and extensive conference coverage of Hospital Medicine 2017.
19 Jul 2017

E-learning for everyone

Virtual patients expose students and physicians to a wide range of clinical scenarios.
15 Feb 2008

Get the most out of your radiologist

Advice for hospitalists from a radiologist on how to choose the right scan for every patient.
15 Jul 2017

C. diff and Hospital Medicine 2017

Conference coverage of cirrhosis, geriatrics, high-value care, diagnostic error, and radiology.
15 Jul 2017

Seven studies from 2011 you should read (if you haven't already)

This Web-only feature offers pearls from one expert's list of 2011's most important literature.
15 Feb 2012

Letter from the Editor

Hospital medicine is fairly well established in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, but in other countries the field is just getting started. These fledgling movements face familiar challenges, such as concerns about continuity of care, and unique obstacles, such as an income divide between physicians at public and private hospitals.
15 Jul 2009

Looking for a hospitalist? Be prepared, proactive

Kirk Mathews, CEO and co-founder of Inpatient Management Inc. of St. Louis, explains his cardinal rules of recruiting.
15 Jul 2009

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