January 2012

Think before you stick
Research shows a clear association between diagnostic phlebotomy and hospital-acquired anemia in some patients.
Hospitalists set the funny bone
Residents should be taught to keep their humor well within the safe zone, experts agree.
Comanaging pressures: Kidney Week experts advise on hypertension
Certain specialized circumstances can make high blood pressure particularly problematic.
Info + forms = good informed consent
Good informed consent should be a concern for any physician who performs a procedure with risks.
Hopes and fears abound at National Bundled Payment Summit
Speakers were optimistic about the potential to reduce health care costs without decreasing profits.
Getting ready for ICD-10 changes
Oct. 1, 2013, is the current deadline for switching from ICD-9.
Letter from the Editor
Some of this issue's topics include preventing anemia, using humor appropriately, and managing hypertension.
Food for thought
A Thanksgiving meal develops disturbing medical connotations.
Why general medicine ward teams should round in the ICU
Rounding on established patients undergirds the fundamental bases of professionalism.
MKSAP Quiz: High-value, cost-conscious care
These cases and commentary, which address high-value, cost-conscious care, are excerpted from ACP's Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP15).
Recent Research
Hospitalist care and post-discharge costs, very elderly patients and vitamin K thromboprophylaxis, and more.