April 3, 2024

Handling class and classes at once
Medical school poses hidden challenges for students from less privileged backgrounds. Experts discuss how to help.
Disseminated varicella infection in an immunocompromised patient
A patient with a history of liver transplant presented with a progressive rash.
Few guidelines address inpatient blood pressure management
A search of current guidelines did not find any recommended goals for inpatient blood pressure or any recommendations on how to manage asymptomatic moderately elevated blood pressure in the hospital.
Delirium in the hospital may have a dose-response association with dementia
Hospitalized patients with delirium had three times the risk for incident dementia over 5.25 years of follow-up versus those without, and each additional delirium episode was associated with a 20% increase in dementia risk, an Australian study found.
Thermal imaging of affected skin improves accuracy of cellulitis diagnosis
A combination of maximum temperature in the affected area and the ALT-70 (asymmetry, leukocytosis, tachycardia, and age ≥70 years) prediction model provided the greatest specificity for identifying cellulitis in ED patients, a study found.
Early dapagliflozin initiation in acute heart failure reduced diuretic doses for inpatients
An industry-funded trial found that patients hospitalized with acute heart failure who received early dapagliflozin treatment had no increase in diabetic, renal, or cardiovascular safety events compared with those undergoing usual care.