October 23, 2024

Have a seat to improve patient care
Eye-level conversations with patients can improve their satisfaction with an encounter and potentially yours, too, a researcher explains.
Cases from LSU Health New Orleans
Salicylate toxicity, mucormycosis, and more.
Handoffs led to identification of diagnostic errors in single-center study
Hospitalists who took over care from a physician going off service were surveyed about the diagnoses of handed-off patients; 18.2% of the patients had a diagnosis change, and in 5.8% of cases, there appeared to have been a diagnostic error.
Attendings vary widely in time spent in EHR, use it less while teaching
Hospital medicine attendings spent an average of 129 minutes per day in the electronic health record (EHR) while on a teaching service compared to 240 minutes while on a direct care service, but usage patterns varied widely from physician to physician, a single-center study found.
Albumin linked with worse outcomes in sepsis patients with kidney impairment
Patients with sepsis and kidney impairment who received albumin within 24 hours of admission were more than twice as likely to need renal replacement therapy compared with similar patients who did not receive albumin during hospitalization, according to a retrospective study.
Failure to rescue after high-risk surgery complication more common in female patients
Male and female patients had similar rates and types of serious complications after high-risk surgery in a cohort of over 860,000 Medicare beneficiaries, but female patients were more likely to die within 30 days of surgery.
Take a quiz about the Oct. 16 issue!
Every week, ACP Hospitalist posts a question about the previous week's issue. See how well you remember what you've read compared to other readers.
Reflections on resident competencies
A reader responds to a recent research summary on trainees' confidence.