June 2016

Illustration by Sarah Ferone

Bolstering gender equity in academic medicine

Women and men enter the physician pipeline at about the same rates, but the female-to-male ratio in academic medicine drops off after residency.

How academic hospitalists can manage workload

Academic hospitalists must balance what has been called the 3 shields: practice, teaching, and research.

Improving the patient experience by focusing on spiritual care

Hospitalists can identify needs, collaborate with chaplains.

Wavy lines: EEGs in the hospital

Electroencephalograms in the hospital.

An ear-ly intervention to reduce delirium

Providing earplugs in the ICU may be a low-cost way to reduce hospital noise and prevent arousal during sleep.

Bullies in the hospital

The problem of bullies in school extends all the way through medical training, according to a recent study.

New CMS specialty code and more on Sepsis-3

This column discusses the new CMS specialty code for hospital medicine and developments in sepsis criteria.

Newman's Notions | FREE
Most ACP Hospitalist content is available exclusively to ACP Members. This article is free to the public.

Colica Pictonum

Ancient Rome and Flint, Mich., share a connection.

Letter from the Editor

This month's issue tackles gender equity and workload in academic medicine.

MKSAP quiz on EEG

Cases involving EEGs are presented.

Opioids and diabetes drugs get revised warnings

Details on the latest recalls, warnings, and approvals.

Recent Research

Transfusion strategies, hyponatremia at admission, follow-up timing and medication adherence, and more.

CDC issues recommendations for prescribing opioids for chronic pain

CDC opioid recommendations, resuscitation timing, and more.